Will Sharpe: Thick Wavy Mop Top Haircut

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Will Sharpe’s thick, wavy, mop top haircut is that kind of casual, tousled, ‘I rolled out of bed and started coding’ look beloved of tech heads the world over.

Yup, Silicon Valley X Surfer Dude – the go-to style for many a cool, young tech head in start-up world.

Just as well, really, as Will’s White Lotus character happens to be a quirky tech genius.

MFH loves it when life imitates art…

All Hairstyles

Why We Love It:

Will Sharpe’s thick, wavy, mop top haircut is tousled to perfection due to a combo of good products and the fact that he is blessed with natural waves.

Handy for him, because having such a bountiful barnet is clearly also like a bit of a security blanket that he can hide behind.

Because the half English/half Japanese actor, writer and director confessed to The Guardian recently: “I’m socially pretty uncomfortable. Or at least I think I am.”

What To Ask Your Barber:

  • To get Will Sharpe’s thick, wavy, mop top haircut, your barber should use scissor over comb, rather than clipping.
  • Will’s hair is long on the top, slightly shorter at the sides (but covering the ears).
  • His hair has been left a bit longer at the back – it reaches the top of his collar – for a softer look.

Get The Look

  • Will Sharpe’s thick, wavy, mop top hairstyle is all about encouraging the natural movement of his waves.
  • Wash and condition hair using nourishing products that encourage shine.
  • But ensure that your conditioner is light and doesn’t weigh down the hair.
  • If you want to wash and go, spritz some sea salt spray on it, and give it a bit of a scrunch as it dries.
  • Or use a hairdryer on a low heat, and gently brush the hair forward at the top and sides as you dry it.
  • When dry, rub a pea-sized amount of matt clay, wax, pomade – whatever you like best in your hair – between your fingers.
  • Then tousle your hair with it to enhance the texture.
  • You can separate the fringe with your fingers to give it a piecey look.
  • Spritz it with some hairspray if you want to lock the style in a bit more.
  • Use dry shampoo between washes to freshen it, and give it some extra grit which is great for texture.
Moroccanoil Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner Bundle £35.70 Shop now
Crazy Bull Sea Salt Spray £12.95 Shop now
Seven Potions Men's Natural Pomade £15.97 Shop now
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