There’s no denying that Formula One World Drivers’ Champion Lewis Hamilton has been on the fast track to baldness for some time. In fact, in a YouTube interview with Man For Himself just a couple of years ago, when asked about his grooming regime, he said: “Grooming, for me, I take as much time as I need.”
Certainly, one of the occupational hazards of his F1 career is ‘helmet head’. And a sweaty helmet head at that!
But in recent years, it’s seemed helmet head hasn’t been the big worry for Hamilton. A quick Google Image search will show how his hair has drastically morphed from an immaculately styled afro to a very slick, aerodynamic-looking number one buzzcut. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
In an effort to be slightly less conspicuous as the target in the spectator sport that is celeb-gazing, Hamilton took to wearing a never-ending parade of baseball caps and snapbacks. They were usually emblazoned with sponsor Mercedes-Benz’s branding, somewhat incongruent to his own sport but nonetheless effective at concealing his ebbing hairline.
A Hair Transplant Surgeon’s Opinion
World leading IAHRS.org surgeon to many celebrity patients Dr. Scott Alexander commented, “Lewis Hamiltons’ hair has most certainly gone through a dramatic change for the better in recent years and likely he’s been the recipient of a very good hair transplant and using medication such as finasteride to help prevent further loss.”
“Many patients wish to have surgery and be discrete about it but the fact remains his hair went from zero to hero in a very short period of time which is a tell sign of hair transplant surgery,” says Dr. Alexander.
The Grand Prix of hair loss treatments
To my experienced eyes, yes, Lewis Hamilton appears to have had a hair transplant. And to that, I say a bloody big, “good on him!” He’s clearly an excellent candidate due to his wavy hair type and I’d also venture to say he’s combined the HT with Finasteride medication. If so, he’s responded to it very well indeed.
Being in the public eye, Hamilton would always be acutely aware of the need to look his best. Hair-compromised celebs of his calibre frequently turn to concealers to bulk up the appearance of their hair and I reckon he would be no different. Considering his endorsements run into the tens of millions of pounds (his Mercedes-Benz alliance alone is reportedly worth £40million a year), he needs to front up looking the part every single day. I can’t help but wonder if we’ll see, sometime soon, a relationship with a hair transplant mob. Imagine how many race fans would be lining up at the door, asking for ‘the Lewis Hamilton’.
- Moscow City Racing 2012 | Credit: Pyshnyy Maxim Vjacheslavovich / Shutterstock.com
- GQ Men of the Year Awards on Sep 8, 2015 | Credit: Twocoms / Shutterstock.com
The fact that Hamilton hasn’t come out and claimed ownership of a hair transplant could mean one of three things:
- He hasn’t had one and has nothing to admit to;
- he’s embarrassed or ashamed about having had it done; or
- he doesn’t feel the need to explain himself to anyone.
Going Public
In my role in the hair loss game, I would be completely encouraging of him going public. I know from personal experience, the shame and embarrassment that comes with a creeping hairline. I know from the countless men I’ve spoken to over my two decades as a patient advocate and go-to-guy in this industry that everybody needs to stick together. There is no shame. There is no embarrassment. Well there is, but there shouldn’t be!
Hair loss isn’t caused by doing something wrong; guys who lose their hair don’t lose it because they’re jerks, and they don’t keep it because they’re handsome, rich and successful. It’s plainly and simply, a medical condition.
A new endorsement opportunity?
I reckon Lewis Hamilton would be an amazing poster boy for hair transplant surgery, if in fact he has had it done.
He’s a good-looking buck from any angle and easily looks ten years younger than his 34 years! He’s also incredibly successful, with not one, not two but five Formula One World Champion titles, for goodness’ sake. Plus, he’s loaded – he was once ranked Britain’s wealthiest sportsperson – and he gets around in a cherry red private jet. (Red goes faster, you know that, right?)
Guys, the moral of this story is that hair loss doesn’t discriminate. You could, for all intents and purposes, be a thirty-something A-lister like Lewis Hamilton and ‘have it all’ and yet be scrambling to get a thatch together up top. Or you could be Regular Joe in rural Ol’ Blighty and have a magnificent head of hair in your fifties that’s the envy of the menfolk in your village!
Or you could be anywhere in between. We’re not all going to be the most successful race car driver in British history, nor are we going to have perfect bodies, perfect relationships or perfect children. What matters is what you do about the things in your life that you feel require attention.
- National Movie Awards 2011 | Credit: Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com
- 2015 amfAR Cinema Against AIDS gala | Credit: Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com
The call-out to Lewis Hamilton
Speculation is rife, sure. We all want to know, from the man himself, if he’s had a hair transplant. There’s something about a famous person coming clean about relatable issues that makes us all feel better about ourselves, isn’t there? We don’t wish him embarrassment or shame. Quite the opposite, really.
The average man on the street wants to know how they can have a piece of Lewis Hamilton’s success, however microscopic that piece might be. We want to know how we can look like him, be successful like he is, feel good about ourselves like he seems to. That is, after all, the way endorsements work, right? We want to hear it from the softly spoken man himself.
Lewis Hamilton, will you come out and tell us whether you have or have not had a hair transplant? I’ll be the first guy in the line to shake your hand and stand next to you on the podium for world-beating hair! I’m pretty damn proud of my own thatch. And hey, maybe we can compare notes.
For further information on hair loss visit : www.spexhair.com
good for Lewis