Last year I partnered with the world-renowned Harley Street Hair Clinic to give one of you the opportunity to win an FUE hair transplant.
Fast forward to now and our winner Sandy has 6 months of new hair growth. Here’s his story…
About Sandy
Sandy is a 27-year-old actor, musician and singer who for the past four years has noticed that he’s been losing his hair – particularly around the temples. Like many men who are suffering with hair loss, Sandy really felt that his confidence had been knocked.
Over the years, he has tried some of the most popular hair loss lotions, potions and medications on the market to no real success.
From his consultation with The Harley Street Hair Clinic, they decided Sandy was a great candidate to undergo a hair transplant. Not only would this get him back to looking his best, but it would really give him the boost in confidence that so many of us want.
Why The Harley Street Hair Clinic?
The Harley Street Hair Clinic is renowned for pioneering the adoption of high-quality FUE and FT in the UK. Their London hair clinic has developed the FUE/FT procedure extensively to provide high-quality, natural and dependable results for men and women. The procedures are performed by specialist doctors, who are all GMC (General Medical Council) registered. Doctors at The Harley Street Hair Clinic implant and extract all the follicles to ensure the best results possible for each patient.
The Harley Street Hair Clinic is the only clinic in the UK to specialise in follicular transfer hair transplant technology (FUE). The HSHC doctors are some of the best in the business, and every transplant they carry out is performed by a doctor, not a nurse. They firmly believe that with any kind of aesthetic surgery, patients deserve the best-qualified practitioner.
What Is An FUE Hair Transplant?
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) technology is an exacting, highly technical, minimally invasive procedure with remarkable, natural-looking results.
The treatment works in a more advanced way than previous methods such as strip harvesting and FUT (follicular unit transplant). During an FUE hair transplant, the doctor will extract hair follicles from the donor area (the hair at the back of the head) with the use of a specialised extraction instrument. The hair follicles are then examined under a microscope and prepared for the transplant.
Using a micro-surgical needle, the surgeon will puncture the scalp area and transfer the follicles into the recipient area at an angle and density to mimic natural hair growth.
FUE Hair Transplant Result
After A Hair Transplant
As you will have seen in Sandy’s video, The Harley Hair Clinic are with you throughout the whole process – not just for the surgery. They provide you with the tools and the knowledge for your aftercare to ensure that you’re getting the best possible result from your hair transplant.
No question or query is too small, they will be on hand to help.
Should You Get A Hair Transplant?
If you’re considering having a hair transplant, the best thing to do is to get in touch with The Harley Street Hair Clinic. From there, you can book a consultation with them to see if it’s the right option for you.
During the consultation process, The Harley Street Hair Clinic will provide you with personalised advice regarding your own condition. Each case of hair loss is unique and not all cases will have the same outcome. From thinning hair to a receding hairline (much like Sandy’s), there are many different causes and factors in hair loss.
You can get in touch with The Harley Street Hair Clinic here. You can also follow The Harley Street Hair Clinic on Instagram here.